Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Girls In Their Easter Dresses.

I haven't made an appointment to get the girls pictures done yet, so I took some pictures myself until I get them done professionally. Not the best, but you get to see their cute dresses.


Scott and Krista said...

So cute! I think you did an awesome job taking pictures. They look professional to me!

Cheryl Nicholls said...

I think they are great!!! You could just print them!! Great photography!! The girls are sooo cute!! Love Ya

Lindsey said...

Your girls are so beautiful! I love these pictures!

The Homemaking Helper said...

Your girls are so gorgeous! I'm happy to know you have a blog. I found the link on Heather and Brian's blog. Sorry we didn't get to talk much at the reception. Hayden had the worst ear infection and cried the whole time. I didn't see much of anyone. We'll get together soon! -Tiff